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Flyer links go to GameArchive's flyer database.
Marquees and machines are sometimes linked to larger images.
![[DK Jr Marquee]](images/dkjr/dkjrmarqueesmall.gif)

GameArchive has NO flyer for this
machine! If you have one and a scanner, why not submit it to them?
As of September
07, 2000, this game has !
Traded, actually, for Mario Bros.
Thanks Dwayne! |

October 1998

Well, the tables
are turned in the very popular sequel to the extremely popular Donkey
Kong. Unless you've never been in an arcade in your life, you
know who Mario is. In DK, Mario is in his first quest to save
the princess. He's climbing ladders, jumping barrels, flames,
and yes, even pies, to get to the top of the screen. Well, I
guess he finally makes it, because, in the sequel that we
are honouring here, he's now got the famous ape, Donkey Kong, caged
and shackled.
Little did our once
beloved Mario know that DK had a son... the now infamous DK
Junior! Well, no little girder climbin' construction worker in
suspenders (remember, it wasn't until Mario Bros. that Mario,
along with his brother Luigi, became plumbers) is going to get
the best of these simians! It's up to us, now playing the poor
little ape in diapers
(at least that's what it looked like to me!) , to
save papa from the hero turned animal abuser Mario! No girders and
ladders here! We're in the jungle now! It's vine swingin', chain climbin', swamp clearin',
bear trap avoidin', bird dodgin', fruit droppin', spark hoppin' (  ) good fun!
This game and DK were games my brother
was a little more into than me, but I must admit, I sunk a few quarters into them
myself. My
real Mario addiction didn't come until I played Mario Bros. with my
wife (who wasn't my wife at the time). What I found most
interesting about DKJr, was how big the main character was. How
was a game going to be interesting when your moving this big monkey
around? Well, somehow it was!

Denin, my 3
year old son, calls this the "Jumping Baby Monkey Game", as in "Daddy,
can you turn on the big Jumping Baby Monkey Game please?" Almost cute enough
to want to keep it! Of course, all he can do is run off the first platform into the water,
so I usually just let him watch the demo screen. He's seems happy enough with that right
now. Tana, on the other hand, can now jump to the first vine and climb up. She's actual
registered a few points for killing the first red bear trap! I feel some high score
entries coming on!
Not exactly as Shown, but pretty
![[Donkey Kong C/T]](images/dkjr/dkjrcocktailsmall.gif) This picture
is somewhat like my machine. But, for one, mine is a Donkey Kong Junior, and this is a
Donkey Kong, but the general look is the same. Mine is in a Tehkan cabinet, although
it looks the same as this. It has an instruction card on BOTH sides of the table,
and the control panel is not vertical. The Jump button says Fire. The
guts sure
looks like they belong in there. I was told it was the original cabinet, but I think
it's probably a very good conversion. Maybe they just replaced the glass with one
from a Tehkan cabinet. Maybe you can tell me
once I get some real pictures up here.
It has the clearest looking 20" monitor I've seen in a game this old. It's like
brand new. Has both the DKJr manual and the complete manual for the cabinet as well.

Cliff |
Oct 08, 1999
12th screen |
Maureen |
Feb 11, 1999 |
(5 yrs old) |
20,500 Apr 09, 1999
finished 2nd screen Mar 1999! |
(3 yrs old) |
Mar 30, 1999
finished 1st screen Feb 07, 1999! |

Honourable Mention |
(my brother) |
July 11, 1999
July 11, 1999 |
(7 yrs old) |
July 23, 1999 |